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Personal relation in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2021-01-10Updated:2021-01-10
Similar words: personal relationshipinternational relationsfunctional relationshiplegal relationdirectional relayspatial relationpersonal representativesocial relationMeaning: n. a relation between persons. 
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1) Importance of good personal relations with other staff.
2) Use the personal relation as a form of insurance interest is not only lack the scientific operation, may also cause the essential function of the insurance interest to be unable to display.
3) There are some stipulations on personal relation of spouses in marriage law revised in 2001, but they aren't still perfect.
4) Adjust property relation and personal relation between the equal subjects in commercial laws of the people .
5) "Divorce Effect" refers to the personal relation and the property relation of the persons concerned, and a series of law effects caused by the children raise as well.
6) Teacher's management is a kind of personal relation management, is a management to teacher and teacher with its work for being engaged in.
7) In the sociaty of the relational orientation, personal relation between the personnel of channel boundary may be an important variable that influences the use of channel power.
8) The capital can be divided into two parts: personal relation capital and community network capital.
9) James was no model of deportment anywhere, least of all in his marital and other personal relations.
10) The Chirac-Kohl coolness forms part of a growing pattern of strained personal relations among world leaders.
11) In ths United States the link between demand and request of labors is established through newspapers, career advisory agency[], personal relation and self recommendation.
12) This paper uses the research result hum the relation and channel power to explores the personal relation which has influence on the use of the power of the channel member.
13) The phenomenon has produced some problems such as the personal relation and the property relation between a couple of cohabitants.
14) It is a very profound distinction. If you love someone it isn't merely this personal relation but you take care of that person. That means the body.
15) This paper uses the research result from the relation and channel power to explores the personal relation which has influence on the use of the power of the channel member.
16) By a naturalist, I mean someone who studies the ways of creatures in their natural habitat and, if he interferes at all,( relation.html) confines his interference to establishing a personal relation with them.
17) Do you think he will be immune from the religious persecution because of the personal relation with the Bioship?
18) Where the manner of announcement is adopted in service of process, the form of posting announcements in border ports may be adopted except cases of personal relation.
19) As everybody can see, teacher-student relationship is a kind of important personal relation which is formed through the teachers and students contacts in the teaching and education activities.
20) The result indicated that the psychosocial symptoms, including somatological , personal relation and anxious scores had significantly difference between control and experiment groups after treatment.
More similar words: personal relationshipinternational relationsfunctional relationshiplegal relationdirectional relayspatial relationpersonal representativesocial relationsexual relationlogical relationpolitical relationcommercial relationscausal relationshipsexual relationshiprelationalmarital relationshipindustrial relationscorrelationalpersonalizationreciprocal relationshipnational labor relations boarddepersonalizationrelational databasepersonal communicationpersonal actionpersonal riskemotional personimpersonationproportional representationpersonal identification number
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